среда, 2 ноября 2011 г.

Народное ополчение имени…

15 часов тому назад на новостной ленте Yahoo.com (http://news.yahoo.com/georgia-men-charged-plotting-ricin-012138938.html) появилось сообщение об аресте в штате Джорджия четырех немолодых американских граждан: Frederick Thomas, 73; Dan Roberts, 67; Ray H. Adams, 65; and Samuel J. Crump, 68. Первый из Кливленда, остальные – из города Toccаoa (Тока, вроде).
Повод для ареста: составили подпольную группу с целью приобретения взрывчатки и химпрепаратов для изготовления рицина (тот яд, которым КГБ убило болгарского диссидента). Познакомились на митинге в марте (так и слышу радостный вопль местечковых ментов=подлицаев: правильно мы тут гоняем), собрались и порешили, что для оздоровления ситуации в стране (в США т.е.) надо убивать сотрудников местной полиции, федеральных служб и налоговой.
"There is no way for us, as militiamen, to save this country, to save Georgia, without doing something that's highly, highly illegal. Murder." Вкратце: чтобы спасти страну, надо совершить незаконные действия. Надо убивать. Другого пути нет.
Да, судя по тексту – это местная милиция. Оружия, как заверил один из них, на всех хватит. Яд якобы намеревались распылить в Атланте.
Арестованные, по мнению прокурора, часть большой подпольной организации.
Среди них есс-но нашелся агент властей.
На эту новость к 20.30 по нашему (за 15 часов) успели оставить 3453 комментария.
Всё как у всех – кто-то фиксирует свое мнение, кто-то выёживается перед другими и собой, кто-то срётся с другими от безделья.
Все переводить – места не хватит. Диапазон от «Стариков в местном гольфклубе что ли забанили?», «В больном мире живем» до явного выражения недоверия федеральным шпикам:
Feds have been using Muslims for fake threats, this could just be another one of those 'scare' tactics for the public. (федералы используют мусульман для изображения фальшивых угроз, это происшествие также может быть одним из им подобных)
И позиции:
Frederick Thomas, Dan Roberts, Ray H. Adams & Samuel J. Crump do they sound like Muslim names for a fake threat? They have money for guns, ammo, explosives & manufacturing ricin but can't retire because Obama did what? These 4 men are innocent until proven guilty. There are a lot of questions remaining to be answered that will come out in the trial IF there is no plea bargain. But again, at that age and not part of the 1% any prison time for these types of crimes is a death sentence.
(это что – мусульманские имена? У них есть деньги на оружие, амуницию, взрывчатку и изготовление рицина, но они не могут уйти на пенсию из-за того, что Обама сделал ЧТО? Эти четверо невиновны пока не доказано, что они виноваты.
На множество вопросов следствие должно дать ответы, ЕСЛИ это не простой треп. В этом возрасте тюрьма для этого типа преступлений означает смертный приговор»
Как черный юмор, реплика из города Дубаи, ОАЭ – Атланта штат с доминирующим афроамеровским населением. Верняк – на них гады целились. (WillisDubai, United Arab Emirates13 hours ago
They were going to drive through predominantly African-American Atlanta and release it on the highways? I don't think you need very deep to determine their target).

No comments, как говорят на родине этой новости.

5 комментариев:

  1. http://news.yahoo.com/georgia-men-charged-plotting-ricin-012138938.html;_ylt=AvvAmIlSeLkK_O5ROWn_t.9vzwcF;_ylu=X3oDMTNqN2hwNzEyBGNjb2RlA2N0LmMEcGtnA2M2Y2UyNDc5LWQ5ZTQtMzYzMS1hMGM1LTIyMDMzYzUyMTBiNQRwb3MDMwRzZWMDbW9zdF9wb3B1bGFyBHZlcgM1Y2E3OGYyMC0wNGYxLTExZTEtOWViZi1hNmJiZmE1ZWRkNDI-;_ylg=X3oDMTFnN2dtdDIzBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdAN1cwRwdANzZWN0aW9ucw--;_ylv=3

  2. Georgia men charged with plotting to make ricin
    By Colleen Jenkins | Reuters – 15 hrs ago
    Federal authorities on Tuesday arrested four Georgia men accused of plotting to buy explosives and produce a deadly biological toxin to attack fellow U.S. citizens and government officials.
    The Justice Department said the men were members of a fringe domestic militia group and had planned to manufacture ricin for use in their attacks.
    The men attended meetings starting in March where they discussed carrying out crimes, including murder, in order to undermine federal and state government, prosecutors said. The targets included local police, federal government buildings and employees of agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service.
    The meetings were monitored by FBI agents with the assistance of a confidential informant, according to prosecutors. Two of the men also met with an undercover agent to discuss buying explosives and weapons parts, prosecutors said.
    The men are Frederick Thomas, 73; Dan Roberts, 67; Ray H. Adams, 65; and Samuel J. Crump, 68. Thomas is from Cleveland, Georgia, and the other three men are from Toccoa.
    At a meeting at Thomas' house in March, Thomas said he had enough weapons to arm everyone at the table and that he had compiled a "Bucket List" of government employees, politicians, corporate leaders and media members he felt needed to be "taken out" to "make the country right again," according to court documents.
    "There is no way for us, as militiamen, to save this country, to save Georgia, without doing something that's highly, highly illegal. Murder," Thomas said during the meeting, court records show.
    During a meeting in September, Crump said he wanted to make 10 pounds of ricin and disperse it in various U.S. cities, according to prosecutors. Authorities said he described one scenario in which the toxin would be blown from a car traveling on Atlanta highways.
    Last month, Adams allegedly gave Crump a sample of the beans used to produce ricin, prosecutors said.
    Ricin can cause death from exposure to as little as a pinhead amount. Most victims die between 36 hours and 72 hours after exposure, and there is no known antidote.
    The most famous case of ricin poisoning was in 1978 when dissident Bulgarian writer Georgi Markov was killed when an assassin in London jabbed him with an umbrella that injected a tiny ricin-filled pellet.
    "These defendants, who are alleged to be part of a fringe militia group, are charged with planning attacks against their own fellow citizens and government," Sally Quillian Yates, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia, said in a statement.
    "While many are focused on the threat posed by international violent extremists, this case demonstrates that we must also remain vigilant in protecting our country from citizens within our own borders who threaten our safety and security," she said.

  3. The FBI and CIA never retire. Google "FOX news admit FBI has been involved in 17 of 20 false flag non-terror events"
    Feds have been using Muslims for fake threats, this could just be another one of those 'scare' tactics for the public.
    See: "FOX news admit FBI has been involved in 17 of 20 false flag non-terror events"

  4. Hey people pull your head out of the Fox hole...Frederick Thomas, Dan Roberts, Ray H. Adams & Samuel J. Crump do they sound like Muslim names for a fake threat? They have money for guns, ammo, explosives & manufacturing ricin but can't retire because Obama did what? These 4 men are innocent until proven guilty. There are a lot of questions remaining to be answered that will come out in the trial IF there is no plea bargain. But again, at that age and not part of the 1% any prison time for these types of crimes is a death sentence.
    o Willis • Dubai, United Arab Emirates • 13 hours ago
    They were going to drive through predominantly African-American Atlanta and release it on the highways? I don't think you need very deep to determine their target
    They actually rationalized killing innocent people as collateral damage in order to save their state and their country. This desperate act is indicative of the kind of sickness that is taking over this country. They considered themselves patriots for planning this. There are many frustrated people out there who want change for the better. It's not going to be quick or easy. Killing people is not the answer. Glad our so-called corrupt big-brother federal government caught them before they did the deeds.

  5. 14users liked this commentPlease sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!6users disliked this comment
    Bix5 hours ago
    It might. I suspect that this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many law-abiding citizens out there stocking up on ammo and guns, and sharpening their blades day and night, waiting....waiting....waiting for the time to "defend" their rights and their stuff sitting in their houses and drive-ways. The dark ages have been reborn for some people here in the U.S. For others, it's like, "what's up with Kim's divorce?" There are many realities. What's yours?
    Some of these "innocent" people you're talking about aren't so "innocent" after all. This country has become a red-tape bureaucratic nightmare, and those in power have completely screwed it up beyond repair. These guys obviously think that by eliminating a few people will solve the problem, but it won't. A corrupt politician can always be replaced with a new one. The System won't allow itself to be changed, and therein lies the problem.
